Account Updater Platform will be discontinued from August 2023. It will be replaced with our Ensurebill Account Updater platform. You can find the details in the documents below as well as the integration details.
The integration details for the UK Ensurebill Account Updater Service are contained in the UK Ensurebill Flat File Spec
Click on the link to download the .zip file and follow the instructions below to unzip the file and open the spec.
You must extract (unzip) the content locally on your computer. We recommend using a folder on your desktop to house the files.
NOTE: The document will not display properly from within the zip folder.
Create a folder on your desktop to house the content.
Move the zip file contents into this desktop folder.
Instructions for extracting zip contents differ based on the zip tool you have installed. Move the contents, not the whole zip file.
NOTE: You cannot view the document from the zip file, it must be unzipped/extracted.
In the new desktop folder, open the .htm file with the document title. The content in the SourceFiles folder will run behind the scenes.