How do I make a complaint
Our complaints procedure.
At Global Payments, we always strive to provide you with the best possible service, but we understand that from time to time you may be unhappy and want to get in touch. We’ll always try to resolve any issues you raise with us at the first point of contact. If we’re not able to do this and you remain unhappy with the quality of service, or the way in which the service was provided, you can formally bring the issue to our attention.
Making a complaint
As Global Payments is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), we automatically follow the FCA’s complaints process, which is summarised on the following pages. You can raise a complaint with us either by letter, email, telephone, or in person. If you raise a complaint either by telephone or in person, the colleague receiving your complaint will make a note of what it’s about and confirm next steps. Where possible we’ll try to resolve your complaint as soon as we receive it, but this isn’t always possible.
Early resolution of complaints
If your complaint was resolved by the third business day after we received it, then the following sections won’t apply. We will, however, send you written confirmation of the concerns you raised.
Acknowledging your complaint
We’ll send you written acknowledgement that we’ve received and recorded your complaint within three business days of receipt, regardless of how it’s been raised.
Investigation of complaints
All complaints are investigated so that the person looking into it comes to a conclusion on a case by case basis. During the investigation we can ask you to provide further information or clarify details you may have already given to us. This is to ensure we fully understand your complaint and resolve it satisfactorily.
Complaint resolution
Once we’ve completed our investigations we’ll discuss the outcome with you. Where appropriate, we’ll aim to provide you with fair compensation for any acts or omissions that we were responsible for, in line with both our Terms of Service and the Financial Ombudsman Service guidelines.
Timetable for responding
We always want to resolve any complaint you raise with us as soon as possible. However, in some cases we may need a period of time to gather all the details and fully consider your concerns. In these cases, we’ll provide you with a written response within 15 business days. In exceptional cases it may take us longer than 15 business days to deal with a complaint. If this happens, we’ll write to you letting you know why the complaint can’t be resolved and what action will be taken to ensure it’s resolved within 35 business days. Where you aren’t satisfied with our response or if you haven’t received a reply from us within three working days of raising your complaint, you may (please refer to the Exclusions section) have the right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
How to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service
If you need to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service, you can write to them at the following address, or contact them by telephone or email.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
Isle of Dogs
E14 9SR
0800 023 4567 – calls to this number are free when calling from a fixed line in the UK.
0300 123 9123 – calls to this number are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers on mobile phone tariffs. Please note calls to both these numbers are recorded.
Please be aware that whilst these procedures apply to all our customers, only eligible complainants. – that is private individuals, micro enterprises with an annual turnover of less than €2 million and fewer than ten employees, charities with an annual turnover of less than €6.5 million and businesses with an annual turnover of less than €6.5 million and fewer than fifty employees, are able to refer their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service should they remain dissatisfied with our findings.
How to Contact Us
If you need to contact us at any stage regarding your complaint, you can write to us at the following address, or contact us by telephone or email.
Customer Relations Department
Global Payments
Granite House
Granite Way
0345 600 8751*
We’re happy to telephone you back, if you’re worried about the cost of calling us.